Online training courses and certificates available for owners of Alimak Group equipment

Alimak Service is the chosen provider for full support solutions for Alimak Group customers and products. With a range of service and maintenance programmes as well as refurbishment programmes, genuine spare BMU, Avanti and Alimak parts and training, Alimak Service ensures that Alimak Group equipment is operated safely and competently. To this end, Alimak Service offers a range of online training programmes and certificates specifically created to train operators and owners on the use of CoxGomyl and Manntech building maintenance units, Avanti wind turbine service lifts and Alimak elevators.

Available both in the classroom and online, Alimak Service provides detailed training to enable operators and owners of Alimak Group equipment to remain compliant with industry regulations. Alimak Service works closely with the world’s foremost safety and industry organisations to create programs that promote best practise when operating vertical access equipment.

Due to the nature of the various industries serviced by Alimak Group equipment, customers of Alimak Service are often located in some of the most remote areas of the world making in-classroom training almost impossible. Instead, Alimak Service offers a range of online training solutions available anytime and anywhere at the convenience of customers. Those who partake in training are able to stay compliant with legislation and keep a record of all training undertaken and any modules that are still required.

Alimak Service offers comprehensive training solutions with courses and certificates available in operator training, installation training, personal safety training and technical training. Each of these courses are designed to be specific to the industry in which the customer operates.


Alimak Service offers online training courses to meet the needs of each model of Alimak elevator. Operator and safety training courses are available for industrial elevators and construction hoists to promote their safe and efficient use and teach users about individual Alimak parts.

Manntech & CoxGomyl

Alimak Service provides a range of specific training courses for building maintenance units designed to help owners and operators remain compliant with safety frameworks and use their building maintenance equipment efficiently.

The training certificates available offer in-depth information on relevant industry documentation. Those taking any courses designed for building maintenance units will learn about the individual components of a building maintenance unit and the local frameworks they must be compliant with.


A number of Avanti training certificates are now offered in an e-learning format. Including operator training for a wide range of wind turbine service lift models covering the functionality and componentry of a lift and the correct procedures in case of an emergency. Those partaking in the course will also receive training on how to inspect and operate the lift.

Alimak Service provides a range of training courses in an e-learning format for greater accessibility for customers to ensure that vertical access equipment is operated safely no matter what their location.