Complete service and support solutions to extend the operational life of vertical access equipment

Alimak Service provides comprehensive service and support solutions for owners and operators of construction hoists and industrial elevators around the world. Delivering a range of inspections, service and maintenance solutions, refurbishments and training, Alimak Service utilises a global network to provide support to Alimak customers.

 Alimak Service offers a range of refurbishment solutions designed to prolong the life of industrial elevators and construction hoists through optimised performance. Refurbishment operations facilitate maximum uptime for vertical access equipment to enhance the productivity and efficiency of operations on construction and industrial sites. Following a detailed inspection, highly trained Alimak Service technicians may recommend a partial or complete overhaul of the safety, mechanical, hydraulic and structural features as a cost-effective avenue to restoring the performance of equipment. Equipment that is eligible for refurbishment includes construction hoists and industrial elevators that have been used continually over long time periods or frequently exposed to corrosive atmospheres. Refurbishment operations are conducted exclusively by specialist Alimak technicians and have the same 12-month warranty as new equipment.

Refurbishment solutions have several benefits: 

• Prolong the life of machinery and lower the total cost of ownership for vertical access equipment.

• Added customer value through greater uptime. 

• Minimise costly downtime.

• Genuine spare parts are sourced efficiently for high-quality operations.

• Upgrade worn components 

Upgrades are available as part of Alimak Service’s refurbishment solutions. Upgrades may be conducted when components of construction hoists or industrial elevators are worn, or obsolete to drive more efficient operations and incorporate up to date safety features.

Genuine spare Alimak parts are sourced promptly from Alimak Service’s global support network to minimise downtime and ensure that quality is never compromised. As the designated service provider for Alimak, Alimak Service provides the most high-quality service and support solutions for Alimak construction hoists and industrial elevators.