Ongoing agreements with Alimak Service provide flexible and comprehensive support solutions for Alimak industrial elevators

Alimak Service is the dedicated service provider for Alimak, CoxGomyl, Manntech and Avanti Wind Systems and offers a comprehensive range of service and support solutions for vertical access equipment. Alimak industrial elevators provide the optimal vertical access solution for industrial facilities looking to efficiently transport passengers and materials between critical areas on-site. The use of an industrial elevator enables plant workers to be transported to elevated areas on-site rapidly and reliably for maintenance that often minimises the risk of costly unscheduled downtime for vital industrial facilities. In industries where downtime can become incredibly costly, it is vital that industrial elevators regularly undergo servicing and preventative maintenance.

Alimak industrial elevators can be found driving productivity on large-scale plants and are often in operation for several hours every day creating the need for regular inspections and maintenance. Owners and operators of Alimak industrial elevators may therefore wish to enter into an ongoing agreement with Alimak Service to take advantage of the range of comprehensive service and support solutions designed to extend the operational life of the equipment.

In the United States, productivity at coal and gas power plants is often driven by Alimak industrial elevators in various applications. The Alimak Service team in the United States has most recently helped a number of power plants to streamline their service and support needs through the provision of tailored service agreements based on their equipment and its needs. In Ohio, for example, Alimak Service works closely with the Cardinal Power Plant to maintain their 20 industrial elevators and help to support the smooth flow of on-site operations.

Alimak Service also works closely with the Duke Energy Corporation to provide maintenance and other support solutions to their 93 industrial elevators across seven sites. In this case, Alimak Service was chosen based on its ability to provide the highest level of expert support for the vertical access equipment on-site over a number of years.

Owners and operators who engage in an ongoing agreement with Alimak Service enjoy equipment that is optimised for a more efficient performance and compliant with local and industry standards. Alimak Service also provides ongoing tailored service and support agreements for owners and operators of Avanti Wind System, CoxGomyl and Manntech equipment.